Sunday, June 12, 2011
2000, when the Fiat Coupe was fired, the company had to postpone any further cuts in their ranks. But then, Peter Norris, the British designers seem to find an idea to fill the void of a model sports car in the Fiat. But the pride with car bearing the distinctive Pininfarina, which seems more likely that a sports car that is no longer the luxury of a new generation of Fiat Coupe affordable.
Based on currently available information, the new Fiat with a front engine rear wheel drive luxury sports car that is the essence of Italian society as we know. From what we have on the design, say the car would be a successor to the Fiat Dino record in 1960, rear wheel drive, rather than the end of 1990, FWD Fiat Coupe designed by Chris Bangle.

The cut should be a slim profile and a low roof line, so that the wheels seem daunting. The mass of the wheel makes the car an aggressive stance, while the front-end, recalls in particular the shape of the headlights and bumpers to keep our modern Aston Martin. The rear is equally attractive with its C-shaped LED lights and exhaust pipes lined up around the center.
Peter Norris explained that the project started as a restart of the Fiat Coupe, which will grow to a current version of the car. However, a former owner of Fiat Coupe himself, changed his mind half so that what is was the end of a luxury coupe Pininfarina badge in their car.
"I used to be a Fiat Coupe 16V Turbo, and failed many times, and it cost me a fortune in repair costs, only that I have not had the courage to get rid of him. I turn my head every time you go before me "Norris said while talking to carbodydesign.
He added: ".. in Pininfarina's style as much as the outside, it was so exudes Italian style and really is unlike anything else on the road, some people have talked about the" baby Ferrari "So I started designing ideas for a Fiat Coupe in 2012. After the demolition of the body in 3D, I changed my mind and decided to do something that is a luxury rather than a budget was a sports car and I wondered what it would build a car designed by Pininfarina search for His identity could, and it developed from there.
Labels: Fiat