Friday, August 5, 2011
It was the 2011 Porsche Cayenne S Hybrid inspired by Dr. Ferdinand Porsche, or Dr. Victor Frankenstein?
Purists howled, as the company founded by Dr. Porsche Cayenne published in 2003. After the production is nothing but sports cars for 63 years, Porsche is selling a luxury mid-size crossover, as almost all manufacturers of other cars on the planet. Although the similarity with the 911 first, the rest was pure blasphemy - attached five-door, four-wheel drive and an engine in the front.
But Porsche knew what he was doing. The 2011 Porsche Cayenne S Hybrid has become the best-selling vehicle in the company, supported by a range of choices include a V8 engine twin-turbo 4.5-liter 520-hp bent, just enough to push it from zero to 60 in under 5 seconds. The benefits may also invest in companies already existing sports cars, which in the current approved version of the 911.
But now, put the 2011 Porsche Cayenne S Hybrid, the fans, even a curve - a hybrid version called the Cayenne Hybrid. It combines a 3.0-liter V6 engine compressor and an electric motor to produce a combined 380 horsepower rating, while 20 city and 24 highway miles per gallon by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency.
It 'better than the BMW X6 Active Hybrid (17/19 mpg) and compete against three German diesel-crossover, the BMW X5 xDrive 35d (19/26 mpg), Mercedes-Benz ML350 BlueTEC (18/25 mpg) and Audi Q7 TDI (17/25 mpg).
But a test of the week in the Portland area has shown a number of weaknesses in the 2011 Porsche Cayenne S Hybrid. It includes a clutch to get the V6 engine, which the company calls the "veil" triggers. But the renewed effort is slowly and clearly, if the speed increases. Not only that, but the regenerative braking to recharge the battery for more than most other hybrids again. Therefore, our test hybrid Porsche Cayenne S has been difficult to drive smoothly in the city and passing on highways.
These problems can be eliminated with more aggressive driving the Cayenne S Hybrid or save in a sport mode that seems to replace the hybrid system. But it reduces the mileage, the negation of the main reasons for buying a hybrid vehicle, in the first place.
There are advantages, however, ignore the mileage. Aggressive or pushed in sport mode, the Cayenne S Hybrid offers much more fun and a good mix of acceleration, handling and braking. The steering is light and direct, the brakes are much better, and the transmission moves quickly through the gears.
The turbocharged 3.0-liter V6 is built by Audi and even offered their A4 and A5. And 'smooth and responsive, which produces 33 horsepower more than the base, normally aspirated 3.0-liter V6 Cayenne. Porsche should have the offer of non-hybrid form of thought, produces slot between the base 3.6-liter V6, 300 hp and high-end twin-turbo V8 that cranks 500 horsepower from 4.8.
Check the interior of the 2011 Porsche Cayenne S Hybrid model is one of his strengths. Similar to the equally controversial four-door Panamera sports, has a center console that angles towards the console between the front seats. The console will contain a lot of buttons that were originally in the dashboard, making it look cluttered, and is easily accessible. Expected that other manufacturers make similar designs in the coming years, the controls for the many high-tech features that are standard to accommodate even on entry-level cars.
Porsche has not been afraid to take on the challenge of the purists in the past. Volkswagen has published a 914 in the United States in 1969. The first front-engined four-cylinder 924 model was introduced in 1976, and later with the front-engine, V8 engine 928 after two years.
Labels: Porsche, Porsche 911 Carrera GTS
Thursday, August 4, 2011
In the old days, the active safety with the horse, if you drove. Any risk would be missed by drivers caught by the radar system, the horses, and has stopped.
It took a while ', but the automatic braking function is now a growing number of cars available, not only is the imagination. Order a new Ford Focus with a service package option and will be driving with a bulky piece of plastic in front of the mirror that hides a laser. This constantly scans the road, and if they have a machine that did not stop spies, send an early warning system for the brakes, and you come to a complete stop.
The device in question is one of the simplest forms of what we are asked to AEB, or emergency call, regardless, and is the next big thing in security.
"We assume, will cross the board, such as ESC," Colin Grover, said project engineer at the Center for Automotive Research, Thatcham. Berkshire-based testing center has been very influential in the profile of the ESC, also known as electronic stability control, which sells mandatory on all new cars in Europe.
Thatcham now applies the same rigorous testing and evaluation methods for autonomous emergency braking, and I would not bet against the fact that a legal requirement for all cars in the future.
In studies with the University of Loughborough on the potential benefits, Thatcham calculated that if every car was equipped, 64 deaths and 650 serious injuries could be avoided each year in the United Kingdom, with less than 2,700 pedestrian victims. To identify the cars and because the systems are trained to help people see the street.
"People are unique in their form, we saw a round head on a square-ish body -. We're pretty simple," says Grover
Labels: auto cars, Car Accecories, Car Accesories
Care of the automatic transmission ZF normal Maserati GranTurismo S, sports updates to the package of high-speed transmission software Auto Shift ™ and a revised exhaust system is designed so that the bypass valves are fully open in sport mode for a fuller sound , as seen in the company of the GranTurismo sports.
Sport Maserati GranTurismo S is equipped with two disc brakes as standard cast, with the company 440HP 4.7-liter engine V8 with 7000 rpm a maximum torque of 490 Nm at 4750 rpm giving the sport car a time 0 grows -62 h in five seconds and a top speed of 183 mph.
The Sport car Package adds to the price of 3.840 pounds Maserati GranTurismo S, bringing the total cost of £ 92,480 on the road with three-year unlimited mileage warranty, and is now available
Labels: Maserati
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Fungsi ban sejatinya adalah untuk penerus tenaga dari mesin, menahan beban atau mengendalikan arah gerak. Tapi seiring perkembangan dunia modifikasi, kini fungsi ban semakin bertambah banyak.
Ambil contoh mobil yang dimodifikasi elegan. Bila kita bicara mobil yang dimodifikasi dengan konsep ini, pasti aplikasi diameter pelek yang digunakan lebih dari 18 inci bahkan lebih. Disela-sela acara kontes modifikasi Clas Mild Accelera Auto Contest (CMAAC) Jojga, team Bosmobil sempat berbincang-bincang dengan Surya Dharma selaku Sales & Manajer PT.Elang Perdana Tyre Industri, beliau mencontohkan tentang aplikasi ban lokal untuk modifikasi elegan.
Selamat mencoba…
Teks/edit/gambar : riyan/niel/bosmobil
Modifikasi SQ Toyota Yaris - Senjata Perang Dynamics Auto Sound
0 comments Posted by crue at 6:12 PMSuguhan menarik ketika sesi foto dengan mobil Toyota Yaris S Limited 2006 milik Suryadi Susanto memang sangat berbeda, karena ditemani model cantik bernama Sarah yang diboyong khusus untuk menemani mobil-mobil modifikasi sound system dari Team Pioneer ketika acara pemotretan di Ancol.
Bila semua aspek suara sudah terpenuhi dengan baik, faktor keheningan kabin menjadi hal penting untuk sebuah mobil SQ guna meredam suara bising diluar, meredam getaran mobil saat dihidupkan serta membuat mobil lebih rigid seolah-olah seperti ruangan di rumah. Untuk itu Suryadi melapisi Yaris kesanyangannya dengan peredam dari Checkmat dan Crescendo.
Tester Sound
Pengujian pertama adalah sektor sound-stage atau tata panggung dari sistem audio Yaris ini, yang terdiri dari tinggi, lebar, dan kedalaman. Keunggulan dari mobil ini terletak pada lebar panggung-nya yang mampu menyajikan suara hingga tepat ujung-ujung pilar kiri dan kanan. Kelihaian Suryadi selaku punggawa workshop Dynamics Auto Sound pun tercermin dari placing dan angling pilar tweeter dan midrange-nya, sehingga lebar panggung optimal lebih mudah tercapai. Sedangkan untuk tinggi dan kedalaman panggung, Yaris ini cukup baik walau tidak se-istimewa lebar-nya.
Kelar dengan dua hal terkait teknikal, sekarang giliran pengujian tonal atau kualitas suara itu sendiri. Kesan pertama saat mulai mendengarkan lagu, tim BosMobil salut dengan suara bass mobil ini, yaitu deep, tight, juga extend-nya bagus. Meskipun artikulasi bass terkesan biasa saja, namun secara overall point bass lah yang paling berkesan. Sedangkan untuk midrange dan tweeter-nya, lagi-lagi Suryadi sungguh piawai. Tidak ada yang dipaksakan, semuanya “serba cukup”. Artinya, midrange dan tweeter sangat pas sajiannya atau istilahnya “ngeblend”, seakan menjadi satu-kesatuan. Dengan demikian, keharmonisan antar frekuensi menjadi berimbang, inilah yang sering disebut sebagai spectral balance.
Data Modifikasi :
Headunit : Alpine CDA 9887, Speaker : Crescendo Opus 7 3-Way, Subwoofer : Crescendo Etude 2.10, Power : Genesis Profile 5, Kabel Speaker : Harmonic Harmony, Kabel RCA : Interlude, Peredam : Checkmate & Crescendo.
Penggunaan teknologi listrik pada mobil saat ini bukanlah sesuatu yang baru untuk pasar penjualan mobil, namun lebih mengarah ke sebuah kebutuhan demi menciptakan lingkungan yang bebas polusi. Maka dari itu, new Mazda MX-5 bermesin listrik diproduksi. Sedangkan dari pihak Nissan akan memproduksi kembali mobil berpenggerak roda belakang yang melegenda yaitu new Nissan 200SX, seperti yang dikabarkan salah satu situs di dunia maya.
Nissan memiliki minat khusus untuk sebuah mobil listrik sport car berpenggerak roda belakang dengan dibuktikannya peresmian mobil konsep Nissan Esflow di Geneva Motor Show lalu. Rumornya, mobil ini akan mulai dipasarkan pada tahun 2013.
Jelang libur panjang hari raya Lebaran, PT Nissan Motor Indonesia (NMI) telah menyiapkan layanan khusus bernama “Nissan Sahabat Setia Mudik Anda”. Program tersebut terdiri dari layanan Nissan Rest Point (NRP), Bengkel Siaga, Nissan Mobile Siaga di sepanjang jalur mudik hingga program diskon suku cadang dan biaya check-up gratis kendaraan Nissan yang dipersiapkan untuk perjalanan mudik.
“Setiap tahunnya jangkauan layanan NRP terus kami tingkatkan guna memberikan rasa aman dan nyaman kepada seluruh pemilik kendaraan Nissan selama libur lebaran, khususnya kepada mereka yang melakukan perjalanan mudik ke kampung halamannya. Lahirnya program Nissan Sahabat Setia Mudik Anda yang berisikan berbagai layanan menarik bagi customer merupakan jawaban atas bentuk kepedulian kami untuk memberikan pelayanan terbaik bagi seluruh customer Nissan,” kata Teddy Irawan, Vice President Director Sales & Marketing NMI, di Jakarta, Rabu.
Posko NRP berlokasi di 9 titik jalur mudik, yaitu untuk NRP 1 di Rest Area KM57 – Tol Jakarta – Cikampek; NRP 2 di Nagrek – Bandung (RM Nasi Liwet Asep Stroberi); NRP 3 Rest Area Tol Kanci KM 26 (arah Cirebon); NRP 4 di Alas Roban (RM Gerbang Elok); 5 Telaga Warna – Bogor, sebelum Puncak Pass; NRP 6 Caruban (RM Saradan Asri); NRP 7 Bakauheuni (RM Simpang Raya KM74); NRP 8 Tuban – Perbatasan Jawa Tengah/Jawa Timur (RM Wahyu Utama); dan NRP 9 Probolinggo (RM Tongas Asri).
Selain itu masih ada juga program Nissan Mobile siaga dan Nissan ERA (Emergency Road Assistance). Nissan Mobile dapat memberikan layanan siaga bersifat mobil pada 10 titik seputar pulau Jawa-Bali dengan dukungan 10 unit Nissan Service Car. Nissan Mobile Siaga (NMS) ini beroperasi di Pamanukan, Tegal, Ciamis, Lasem, Pasir Putih, Salatiga, Subang, Kebumen, Magetan, dan Negara (jalur Gilimanuk sampai Denpasar). “Nissan Mobile Siaga bertugas membantu pemilik kendaraan Nissan yang mengalami masalah pada kendaraannya saat dalam perjalanan, layanan ini beroperasi 24 jam penuh mulai 26 Agustus sampai 4 September 2011,” tambah Teddy.
Untuk layanan yang terakhir diberikan Nissan adalah, program Nissan Sahabat setia Mudik Anda adalah biaya check-up gratis dan diskon suku cadang Nissan 10%. Diskon suku cadang hanya berlaku untuk maintenance part dan item check up (brake system, belt, clutch, wheel bearing, wiper blade, drive shaft, dan suspension system). Semuanya berasal dari Nissan genuine parts.
Persyaratan untuk mendapat diskon tersebut antara lain customer harus melakukan appointment terlebih dahulu di bengkel resmi Nissan dan berlaku hanya pada pembelian serta pemasangan suku cadang di bengkel resmi Nissan.